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Musical Links


Conjunct melodies with rising and falling melodic contour

Simple meter

Consonant Harmonies

Rhythmic Ostinato

Strophic Structure

Melodic Unison

Melodic ostinato


The two main musical links can be summarized as follows: 

1. Conjunct melodies with rising and falling melodic contour

2. Rhythmic and melodic ostinato in a strophic structure



Antecedent & Consequent Phrases

Melodic ornaments

Monophonic introductions

Timbral variations


Overall, there are a surprising amount of musical features that both cultures have in common. There are also a few differences such as the tonality phrasing and timbral choices, which makes sense as both cultures have originated in different places where the instrumentation origins are much different. 


With this analysis, it appears that many features are used commonly between both cultures. The only difference really lies in the instrumentation and origin of cultures.


​One challenge I had was finding a second musical culture that appeared to have significant musical links. I listened to several musical cultures before finding one that required sustained investigation. One way I overcame the challenge of the task was to refer back to the assessment criteria and seek feedback along the way. I learned that most musical cultures share something in common because music is a universal language, influenced through time and culture.

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